As fishermen fish and a grey day dawns, the 7 am tranquility is shattered by the passing 38Q. The Southern heritage ES44AC is on home rails. 8099, southern, 8099k, es44ac, home rails, 38q, heritage, norfolk southern, railroad, train, trestle, summer, morning, fog, boat, fishermen, cloudy, bluff city, tennessee, greg booher
Train 201 streaks by and cars depart the Bristol Train Station shortly after the conclusion of the 4th of July fireworks. 201, motion blur, bristol train station, night, cars, fireworks, bristol, virginia, greg booher
The Veteran's SD60E leads the 15T west past the Bristol Sign. 6920, sd60e, honoring our veterans, emd, 15t, norfolk southern, bristol sign, night, summer, bristol, virginia, greg booher
clydesdales, budweiser, state street, event, parade, red, white, blue, bristol, tennessee, virginia, greg booher
The Budweiser Clydesdales make their way across Cumberland Street with the Executive Plaza and future Birthplace of Country Music Alliance Museum in the background. clydesdales, budweiser, wagon, cumberland street, birthplace of country music alliance museum, event, parade, bristol,, virginia, greg booher
clydesdales, budweiser, state street, paramount, uncle sam's loan office, event, parade, red, white, blue, bristol, tennessee, virginia, greg booher
The Budweiser Clydesdales parade past the Bristol Train Station and Bristol Sign on a humid summer evening. budweiser, clydesdale, horses, wagon, bristol train station, bristol sign, summer, event, bristol, tennessee, virginia, greg booher
A different kind of traffic passes through Natural Tunnel during Railroad Day. natural tunnel state park, rock, inside, railroad, people, long exposure, motion blur, virginia, greg booher
After a day at Natural Tunnel State Park, the Virginian poses on the smaller Southern Atlantic & Ohio trestle as it heads back to Frisco. virginian, 1069, sd70ace, copper creek, trestles, 974, light power, heritage, norfolk southern, train, railroad, summer, virginia, panorama, greg booher
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AboutGreg Booher is an internationally published photographer (most recently in National Geographic Guide to the Night Sky) from Bristol, Tennessee. The beautiful lakes, rivers, and mountains of East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia are his home. For more about me, read my interview on RAW Categories
January 2022